October Meeting (Click image to view larger)
October Refreshments Committee (left to right) Nancy Ward, Marylyn Daniel, Marge Campane (Chair), Sarah Losavio, Dana Mosby, Mary Ann Caffery, Nora Adams, CheramieSonnier (Not pictured Sarah Fergus)
President and New Members (left to right) Sharmaine Claitor (President), Nancy Shelton, Claudia Adley, Susan Broussard, Laura Gaddy, Lori Richard, (Not Pictured) Eileen Bonin
Guest Speaker Heather Kirk Ballard, PhD, LSU Ag Center Consumer Horticulture, gave an informative presentation on local/native super plants.
(Click link below to see more info on Heather) www.lsuagcenter.com/portals/communications/news/get_it_growing/about-heather-kirk-ballard
(Click link below to see more info on Heather) www.lsuagcenter.com/portals/communications/news/get_it_growing/about-heather-kirk-ballard